Welcome to Peace of Mind
Buy Peace of Mind Bars Here
Our Core Message
To thrive, we all need a good sense of self. We all need purpose, to contribute, hope, resilience and belonging. We are social creatures and the need for connection is at our core.
We sometimes draw a harmful line that disconnects us. We often speak of the 1 in 5 of us who have a mental illness, and “the rest of us”. But there is no “rest of us”. There is just us.
All 5 in 5 of us have mental health. We are all in this together.
To help all Canadians connect to one another, to ourselves, to our culture and our communities we have co-designed a very special chocolate bar.
The "Peace of Mind” bar is our reminder to connect with how you feel.
Take a moment to breathe. Find peace in your day. Share kindness with others. To connect is one of life’s sweetest joys.
Connect with yourself, with each other and with your world.
Peace of Mind Bar Promotional Video
Donations to the Canadian
Mental Health Association's
Mental Health Initiatives
More information
Canadian Mental Health
Association Key Resources for Understanding Mental Health
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Struggling or Distressed?
E-Course on the Human
Mindset and Mental Health
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