Contact Customer Support
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us using the form provided. We may be busy making chocolate, so give us a day or so to respond.
- Alternatively, give us a call at 1-902-867-0201 (toll free):1-855-970-1414 (Extension 0) or email us at
- For wholesale enquiries:
Give us a call at 1-902-870-7452 or email us at
- For hospitality and hotel enquiries:
Please email us at
For Speaking Engagements and Media Requests please contact:
Stephanie Purcell at Vox Management Agency
Peace by Chocolate | Antigonish Store:
344 Main Street
Antigonish, NS
B2G 2C5
Peace by Chocolate | Halifax Store:
1741 Lower Water St Suite 166
Halifax NS
B3J 0J2