Change Your Mindset, Change The World.
A foundational journey from Peace By Chocolate and Peak Experiences.
Join Frank Gallant and David Garner from Peak Experiences as they explore the basics of how our brain works and why changing your thinking is the most effective way to change the world. Every person on the planet has the inalienable right to peace. There are consequences to forgetting this right; wars, famine, economic instability. Our very climate can be impacted by lack of peace, as we shift our priorities away from helping one another towards selfish goals.
What can we do to promote peace? What can one individual accomplish?
It starts with your mindset.
Frank will take you on a journey of understanding peace, and its impact on the self, and the world around you. There is power in understanding how we perceive things; and that is the power of change. Change your mindset. Change the world.