External Resources by Province
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British Columbia
Yukon Territories
Northwest Territories
New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
Nova Scotia
National and Other
British Columbia
Youth in BC Crisis line https://youthinbc.com/
BC Crisis Line 310-6789 (do not add 604, 778 or 250 before the number)
Foundry- resources, services and supports – youth-focused online service centres in eight communities across BC https://foundrybc.ca/
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre - navigating the mental health system, peer support, education, and other local services https://keltymentalhealth.ca/
Alberta Health Services, services map https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/search.aspx?type=service#icon_banner
Alberta Health Services Education https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/amh/Page16443.aspx
Rural Distress Line 1-800-232-7288
South Western Alberta Distress Line 403-327-7905 or toll free 1-888-787-2880
Edmonton Region Distress Line 780-482-HELP (4357)
Yukon Territories
Youth in BC (services Yukon as well) - crisis lines www.youthinbc.com
Yukon Government - list of services available across the Territory http://hss.gov.yk.ca/mwsu_communities.php
Northwest Territories
ACCESS Open Minds- Ulukhaktok (Mental Health drop in, has resources and Mental Health professionals. Youth-focused) - Ulukhaktok Community Corp, NWT
NWT Community Counselling Program (free and in 19 communities) Mental Health and Addictions Dept. of Health/Social Services: https://www.gov.nt.ca/en/service-directory/health-wellness
Kamatsiatut (helpline): 1-800-265-3333
Embrace Life Council (non-profit organization - mostly educational) www.inuusiq.com
Saskatchewan Alliance for Youth and Community Wellbeing - "The Saskatchewan Alliance for Youth and Community Well-Being (SAYCW) is a partnership between health, education and other community stakeholders dedicated to improving the health and well-being of the Saskatchewan population" A good resource hub for schools, suicide prevention, substance use, toolkits, and even includes several resources for Indigenous youth populations https://saycw.com/resources/
toolkits/mental-health/ -
The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute - Education-based website for those looking to learn about mental health and illness- contains educational resources and professional development on certain topics. https://skprevention.ca/
HealthLine 811: "HealthLine 811 is a confidential, 24-hour health and mental health and addictions advice, education and support telephone line available to the people of Saskatchewan. It is staffed by experienced and specially trained registered nurses, registered psychiatric nurses and registered social workers. HealthLine 811 is free. Services are offered in English, with translation available in over 100 languages." https://www.
saskhealthauthority.ca/ Services-Locations/HealthLine/ Pages/home.aspx -
AccessOpenMinds - (Indigenous) Youth-focused mental health service providers in Sturgeon Lake First Nation. "ACCESS team members can help support links to care and support as needed or request by youth" http://accessopenminds.ca/our-
site/sturgeon-lake-first- nation-sk/
Klinic- health care clinics, education, counselling, crisis lines for people of all ages (online and phone, including for sexual assault) http://klinic.mb.ca/
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Mental Health Program - Child & Adolescent Mental Services - short and long term services for kids and youth, hospital and community-based
TeleHealth Ontario - 24/7, free, confidential access to an RN over any health concern https://www.ontario.ca/page/get-medical-advice-telehealth-ontario
ConnexOntario - gambling and addictions-focused helpline, online chat, and email-based support https://www.connexontario.ca/
School Mental Health Ontario - educational resources for teachers, families, youth-workers, etc https://smh-assist.ca/resources/
Children's Mental Health Ontario - education-based support with locations across Ontario. Offers educational resources for youth, parents, teachers, and professionalsin both English and French https://www.cmho.org
Mood Disorders Association of Ontario - free programs and supports to those living with mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder www.mooddisorders.ca
Mind Your Mind - interactive tools and resources to build capacity/resilience https://mindyourmind.ca/
Ami Quebec - a hub of mental health resources and supports in Québec https://amiquebec.org/programs/
Tel-Aide - distress line: http://www.telaide.org/
Mouvement Santé mentale Québec (education-focused) https://www.mouvementsmq.ca/
Revivre - support line, intervention worker, support groups, self-management support groups https://www.revivre.org/jai-besoin-daide/
Suicide Action Montreal - Suicide prevention, education, and resources https://suicideactionmontreal.org/
Crime Victims Assistance Centers - offers front-line services to any crime victim or witness https://cavac.qc.ca
Projet Pal - Drop in center, housing services, individual aid, etc https://www.projetpal.com/programs/
Douglas Mental Health University Institute- providing patient care to those living with mental illness http://www.douglas.qc.ca
Tel-Jeunes- phone, text, email, chat support, youth-focused https://www.teljeunes.com/accueil
Fraser Recovery Program - focused on youth living with substance abuseor addictions. Offers meetings, counselling, helpline, etc http://www.thefrp.org/
New Brunswick
AccessOM: youth-focused mental health service providers with four locations through the provincehttp://accessopenminds.ca/our-site/new-brunswick-nb/
French-based Mental Health service centers across NB for people of all ages http://www.vitaliteNB.ca
NB Health/Mental health service website https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/health/AddictionsandMentalHealth.html
Prince Edward Island
Island Helpline, 24/7: 1-800-218-2885
PEI Mental Health Services - links to many local services across the island http://princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-pei/mental-health-services
Family Service PEI - Individual, couple, family, and financial counselling http://fspei.ca/
Seniors Mental Health Resource Teams https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-pei/seniors-mental-health-resource-teams
Addiction Services https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-pei/addiction-services
Nova Scotia
The Strongest Families institute - for families of children living with mental illness http://www.strongestfamilies.com
Good2Talk - helpline for post-secondary students in NS and Ontario https://good2talk.ca/
Nova Scotia Mental Health Services - gives a list of local resources across NS http://novascotia.ca/dhw/mental-health
Eating Disorders Nova Scotia - Education and online/local support http://eatingdisordersns.ca/
Nova Scotia Health gives a list of specific services http://www.nshealth.ca/mental-health-addictions
For Newcomers and Immigrants: Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) - Settlement, employment, individual and family counselling, as well as crisis intervention and community connections https://www.isans.ca/
IWK - services the IWK can provide to people living with mental illness http://www.iwk.nshealth.ca/mental-health
Warmline (non-crisis phone support): 1-855-753-2560
NFLD Crisis number: 1-709-737-4668
Bridge the gAPP - connects youth with guidance and supports for their mental well being. Provides self-help resources and local services over the phone, tablet, computer, etc http://bridgethegapp.ca
For Indigenous peoples: First Light NL - Cultural-based support http://www.firstlightnl.ca
Stella’s Circle - counseling, work, job training, housing, and shelters https://stellascircle.ca/
Gambling Help Line (For Eastern NL): 1-888-889-4357
Sexual Assault Crisis Line and Prevention Centre: 1-800-726-2743
Vulnerable-population focused: Programs to set folks up for success https://www.thrivecyn.ca/
National and Other
- Dealhack Canadian Persons With Disabilities Discount Guide https://dealhack.ca/blog/canadian-disability-discounts-guide
Hope for Wellness - offers services in English, French, Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut https://www.hopeforwellness.ca/
Kids Help Phone https://kidshelpphone.ca/
Kids Help Phone Resources https://apps.kidshelpphone.ca/resourcesaroundme/welcome.html
Mood Disorders Society of Canada https://mdsc.ca/
Be There - learn how to ‘be there’ for someone living with mental illness https://bethere.org/home
Jack.org resources for Parents and Caregivers https://jack.org/Resources/Find-Support/Right-by-You-A-Guide-for-Parents-Caregivers
Mental Health Commission of Canada https://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/English
Canadian Centre on Substance Use https://www.ccsa.ca/
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention https://suicideprevention.ca/
Schizophrenia Society of Canada https://www.schizophrenia.ca/
National Eating Disorder Information Centre https://nedic.ca/
- Health Match Information on Eating Disorders https://healthmatch.io/eating-disorders
Teen Mental Health Organization - education-based resources for teens and their families http://teenmentalhealth.org/
- Teen Mental Health Guide for Parents - useful tips and advice for parents to help their teens https://www.mytutor.co.uk/blog/parents/teen-mental-health-a-guide-for-parents/
- A Guide for Understanding Screen Addictions and Engaging in Responsible Digital Use https://www.comparethemarket.
com/broadband/content/screen- usage-guide/
- Vision Impairments and How They Affect Mental Health
Guide to Menstrual Cycles & Mental Health https://yoppie.com/pages/